Recommendations for the low-risk group:
- With a UV-index of more than 3 - to be in the shade. If this is not possible - clothing that covers the skin as much as possible, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses marked CE 2/3/4, 400UV or UV100%, sunscreen SPF 50 for exposed skin areas.
- When removing skin formations on a broad basis, a mandatory histological examination is required.
- Self-examination of all skin 1 time in 6 months for changes in the color, shape, size of moles, or to identify moles that differ significantly from the rest, as well as using the rules of ABCDE and the "Ugly duckling".
- Examination of all formations on the skin by dermatoscopy 1 time in 12-24 months.
- Exclude a visit to the solarium.
Attention: This recommendation must be agreed with the attending physician before use. Recommendations for the average-risk group:
- If the UV-index is more than 3 - stay in the shade. If this is not possible - clothing that covers the skin as much as possible, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses marked CE 2/3/4, 400UV or UV100%, sunscreen SPF 50 for exposed skin areas.
- When removing skin formations on a broad basis, a mandatory histological examination is required.
- Self-examination of all skin 1 time in 6 months for changes in the color, shape, size of moles, or to identify moles that differ significantly from the rest, as well as using the rules of ABCDE and the "Ugly duckling"
- Examination of all formations on the skin by dermatoscopy 1 time in 12 months.
- Exclude a visit to the solarium.
Attention: This recommendation must be agreed with the attending physician before use.
Recommendations for the high-risk group:
- If the UV index is more than 3 - stay in the shade. If this is not possible - clothing that covers the skin as much as possible, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses marked CE 2/3/4, 400UV or UV100%, sunscreen SPF 50 for exposed skin areas.
- When removing skin formations on a broad basis, a mandatory histological examination is required.
- Self-examination of all skin once every 6 months for changes in the color, shape, size of moles, or to identify moles that differ significantly from the rest, as well as using the rules of ABCDE and the "Ugly duckling".
- Examination of all formations on the skin by dermatoscopy with photo documentation and mapping of atypical 1 time in 6-12 months.
- Control of vitamin D levels in the blood. Correction of the endocrinologist's level when detecting a deficiency.
- Examination of first-line relatives (mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister) is recommended.
- Exclude a visit to the solarium.
Attention: This recommendation must be agreed with the attending physician before use.
Recommendations for a very high-risk group:
- If the UV index is more than 3 - stay in the shade. If this is not possible - clothing that covers the skin as much as possible, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses marked CE 2/3/4, 400UV or UV100%, sunscreen SPF 50 for exposed skin areas.
- When removing skin formations on a broad basis, a mandatory histological examination is required.
- Self-examination of all skin once every 5 months for changes in the color, shape, size of moles, or to identify moles that differ significantly from the rest, as well as using the rules of ABCDE and the "Ugly duckling".
- Examination of all formations on the skin by dermatoscopy with photo documentation and mapping of atypical 1 time in 6 months.
- Control of vitamin D levels in the blood. Correction of the endocrinologist's level when detecting a deficiency.
- Examination of first-line relatives (mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister) is recommended.
- Exclude a visit to the solarium.
Attention: This recommendation must be agreed with the attending physician before use.