The main types of moles

Few people know, but there is no such thing as a "mole" in medicine. A mole is a household name that combines all kinds of pigmented formations on the skin.
Few people know, but there is no such thing as a "mole" in medicine. A mole is a household name that combines all kinds of pigmented formations on the skin.

In medicine, the similar term "nevus" is used.

Nevi can be acquired and congenital. Visually, they can differ greatly from each other, but in their structure they are almost always the same – these are modified skin areas formed by a cluster of melanocytes.

An ordinary person is usually interested in one question: what types of moles are dangerous to our health and what exactly?

Let's talk about the types of moles:
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This is the simplest and safest type of moles. They are small pigmented spots, flat and having a uniform color. The color of lentigo, as a rule, varies from dark black to light brown.

Lentigo is easily confused with freckles, but they are usually darker. Moles of this type do not change color and shape. They also cannot cause trouble to their owner.
Intradermal nevi
Such moles have a convex shape, they clearly rise on the skin. To the touch, their surface may be smooth or warty. The color of the intradermal nevi ranges from black to flesh.

Often such moles are covered with hair, which causes discomfort to their owner. But, the presence of unaesthetic hair can be considered a good sign. The fact is that malignant cells actively destroy hair follicles. If the follicles are in order, then you are not in danger of melanoma.
Epidermal-dermal nevi
Such moles are most often flat, although they may rise slightly above the surface of the skin. The color scheme ranges from light brown to black, sizes from 1 millimeter to 1 centimeter. Epidermal-dermal nevi are usually localized in the groin, on the palms and on the soles of the feet.
Dysplastic/atypikal nevi
Such moles have an irregular shape and always rise above the surface of the skin. The borders of the nevus are fuzzy, and the color varies from brown to red. Dysplastic nevi, most often, are hereditary. They are also capable of reaching a large size of more than 1 centimeter.
Blue nevi
The name speaks for itself – these moles are blue, light blue, and sometimes brown. Such moles have clear boundaries, and the size can reach up to 2 centimeters.

Most often, blue nevi are formed on the face, arms, legs and buttocks. The cellular blue nevus is especially dangerous – it is characterized by biological activity and is capable of degenerating into a malignant tumor.
Giant pigmented nevus
It is a congenital pigmented spot of large and sometimes huge sizes. Color from black to brown.

As a rule, a giant pigmented nevus looks unaesthetic and is removed early.
All of the above moles, except for the first type, can cause trouble to their owner. If a mole is exposed to mechanical or ultraviolet radiation for a long time– there is a risk of melanoma formation, a malignant tumor.

We recommend conducting regular self-check of nevuses using NOTA mole tracker which will measure the bioimpedance of cells and report whether the nevus is dangerous or not.

If a harmless mole starts to increase in size, change color or get sick for no apparent reason, visit your doctor immediately!
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