Different types of moles

Few people know, but there is no such thing as a "mole" in medicine. A mole is a household name that combines all kinds of pigmented formations on the skin. In this article we will tell you what are the different types of nevi.
Few people know, but there is no such thing as a "mole" in medicine. A mole is a common name that combines all kinds of pigmented formations on the skin.

In medicine, a similar term "nevus" is used.

Nevi can be acquired and congenital. Visually, they may differ greatly from each other, but in their structure they are almost always the same – these are altered skin areas formed by a cluster of melanocytes.

In the previous article, we analyzed the typical types of moles that can be found in almost any of us. Here we will consider different types of nevi.
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Vascular tumors. Small or large red dots on the surface of the skin.

The concept of "strawberry nevus" is especially widespread - a red hemangioma, which is present in most newborn children, and passes during the first year of life. Also, many doctors operate with such a concept as vascular nevus.
Becker's nevus, hairy epidermal nevus
Most often occurs in boys and boys aged 10 - 15 years. First, several small spots form on the body, which merge and form spots with uneven contours up to 20 cm in size. After that, the spots acquire an uneven warty surface, covered with hair. It is believed that the release of a large amount of male sex hormones – androgens into the blood leads to the growth of Becker's nevi.
Setton's nevus, halonevus
a special kind of dermal nevus, when there is a skin area completely devoid of pigment around the pigment spot. The origin of such nevi has not yet been fully studied. They are often combined with vitiligo (loss of skin pigments). Most often, there is a slight inflammation in the skin in the area of the halo nevus.
Linear nevus
Is a set of small nodules, from light to almost black in color, which are located on the skin in the form of a chain. A linear nevus can take up only a couple of centimeters, or maybe the entire arm or leg. Sometimes hair grows on it.
Nevus Ota / Ita
Is located on the face, on the one hand, in the form of "dirty" spots.
This nevus resembles the nevus of Ota, but it is located under the collarbone, on the chest, in the scapula and neck area.
All of the above moles, except for the first type, can cause trouble to their owner. If a mole is exposed to mechanical or ultraviolet radiation for a long time– there is a risk of melanoma formation, a malignant tumor.

We recommend conducting regular self-check of nevuses using NOTA mole tracker which will measure the bioimpedance of cells and report whether the nevus is dangerous or not.

If a harmless mole starts to increase in size, change color or get sick for no apparent reason, visit your doctor immediately!
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