Death Rays

In this article, we will find out why some ultraviolet rays are worse than others, since knowing this difference can save lives.
Most of us have grown up hearing about UV rays, which come from the sun. We’ve also been told that sunscreens, sunblocks, and our own clothing can protect us from these potential harmful rays. However, UV rays are more than meets the eye. In fact, there are 3 common forms of UV rays that we can potentially come into contact with in our daily lives, and each of these have unique effects, and require unique protection. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the three main types of UV rays, their effects, and what we can do to protect ourselves from them.

UVA — also known as long wave light

Around 95% of the radiation that reaches earth does so in the form of UVA. That’s a good thing, because out of the three types of UV light, UVA is likely the least harmful. Those of us who want to maintain our youthful looks, should really care about protecting ourselves from UVA. That’s because UVA is responsible for most of what we consider “signs of aging”. These include wrinkles, sun spots, and other age-related skin effects. For those that like the get their glow on all year round, it’s important to note that all tanning beds use UVA in order to give you that glow. So take it easy on the tanning if you want to stay looking young and fresh!

UVB — also known as show wave light

One of the most common problems associated with prolonged exposure to the sun, is the redness and tenderness of a sunburn. For those of us with pale skin, you can thank UVB for that tomato-like appearance. UVB damages the skin’s top layer, as well as the skin’s DNA! That’s why UVB is strongly linked to skin cancer. Prolonged exposure should be avoided at all costs. UVB rays are more prevalent at higher altitudes, which is why wearing sunglasses and an SPF on an airplane, and certainly while skiing, is definitely a good idea. UVB can actually damage your corneas, resulting in “snow blindness”, which is essentially a sunburn on your eyes causing temporary vision loss.

UVC — the shortest rays

When it comes to UV, the shorter the wavelength, the worse the radiation. Thankfully, most UVC rays don’t ever reach the earth’s surface. For most people, UVC is simply not a major concern. However, there are actually man-made UVC sources that you should be aware of, so you can avoid exposure to them. These sources include welding torches, mercury lamps, and germicidal lights. Most people will never come across these, but depending on your profession—you might just be unknowingly exposed to super harmful UVC.

Protecting yourself from UV

Protecting yourself from UV is simple, and the science has been studied thoroughly for decades. A broad-spectrum sunblock is your best defense against skin cancer, as well as the signs of aging that can come with sun exposure. Also, wearing a quality pair of polarized sunglasses can keep your eyes healthy.

Worried about a mole or spot?

If you’re concerned, then your first step should be to check out NOTA mole tracker. This amazing product allows you to quickly get a mole or spot analyzed. Nota is not a replacement for a dermatologist, but can give you the peace of mind of knowing you’re safe. Nota mole tracker is a revolutionary tool that is your first line of defense against skin cancer!
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